Sea World's Little Show of Horror
History of Seaworld
“And they say that they’re a family. That the whales are in their family. They have their pods but that’s just an artificial assemblage of their collection. However management decides they should mix them–whichever ones happen to be born or bought or brought in–that’s not a family.”
SeaWorld began the park in 1964 at San Diego SeaWorld. The park started with dolphins and sea lions until 1965 when Shamu was introduced to the park. The lights, music and glamour are only what the guests know about the truth of SeaWorld. Guest visiting the park never hear about the horror and death's of many whales to capture one healthy whale for show.
The capture of Orca's start in the wild of our oceans. Fishing boats, over sky planes, bombs and speedboats hunt the Orca's in the ocean. Fishing boats with large nets surround the whales in tight coves after the whales have been herded together. The crew is advised to only capture the smaller or baby whales. John Crowe who was interviewed in the documentary Blackfish was quoted saying, "It's like kidnapping a little kid from his mother." John remembers this as being the worst thing he has ever done in life. After the little whale was captured, three dead whales are left in the nets. John and the crew had been advised to fill the dead whales with rocks to anchor them to the bottom of the ocean.
The state of Washington ejected SeaWorld from the capturing of wild Orca's in 1976 from the coast of Washington. SeaWorld immediately moved its hunting’s to Iceland the next year. The hunting’s have ceased as now the whale caught on the last hunt of 1976 in Washington of the Whale Tilikum. The whale now is the breeder of the parks to produce new whales for entertainment. Tilikum's genes now run through more than 40% of the whales in SeaWorld’s collection.