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Blepharoplasty - EyeLid Lift

About this procedure

If you feel that your eyes look tired, angry, puffy, or droopy, there is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, called a blepharoplasty, that can improve the appearance of your eyes dramatically.


These issues around the eyes are caused by an excess of skin and fat. Sometimes the problem is such that the eyelids will hang on the lashes, and in extreme cases, they can even block lateral vision. This lid lift surgery removes the excessive skin and fat from the eyelids, and when carefully performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, can make your eyes more attractive and youthful.


During this eyelid surgery, excess eyelid skin and excess fat are removed through incisions in natural skin lines so that the scarring will not be noticeable. This is a delicate and meticulous plastic surgery procedure, and care must be taken to avoid removing too much fat, which can cause a sunken appearance.


Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, with an anesthetist in attendance. In this “twilight” state, patients do not remember their surgery.


When one of our skilled plastic surgeons performs an eyelid lift surgery, the patient can enjoy a high degree of satisfaction. Recovery after surgery is rapid, and all sutures are removed within 5 to 6 days.


At Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center, we make every effort to minimize the degree of post operative bruising and swelling, and patients can generally return to work within 7 to 10 days.


Your surgeons at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center of Utah have extensive experience and expertise in performing these procedures. Every care and attention will be taken to maintain your health and well-being while providing you the optimal result from your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery operation.

*All post-operative pictures are of real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient permission.


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Eyelid Surgery

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Eye Lid Lift Surgery

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