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About this procedure

An operation performed to correct an unsatisfactory result from prior nasal surgery is called “secondary rhinoplasty.” The deformed nose following prior nasal surgery can usually be corrected or improved using the advanced surgical techniques we have developed at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center. If you have had prior nasal surgery elsewhere, which failed to meet your expectations either in terms of appearance or airflow, your condition may benefit from our corrective nasal surgery procedures.


The previously operated nose is more complex than a nose that is being worked on for the first time. However, by using state-of-the-art surgical techniques, such deformities resulting from a failed prior rhinoplasty can generally be corrected.


Frequently issues found in a less-than-acceptable nose job include supra-tip swelling or a "Polly beak" deformity, over resection of the hump or a "scooped nose," over resection of the tip or a "pinched tip," and a turned up nose or a "piggy snout." A dropped tip can also occur giving the nose a droopy, unnatural appearance.


Other exterior problems include an asymmetrical nose, a nose which goes over to one side, and a nose that easily collapses and doesn't breathe well.


Internally, airway problems may not have been corrected properly, resulting in a constriction of the nasal vault, and reducing airway. We have also seen nasal septal perforations (a hole through the central membrane of the nose). These are all signs of a failed rhinoplasty.


Most of these problems have solutions, but corrective surgery must be done very carefully. As a result of dense scar tissue from prior surgery, the anatomy can be less predictable. Each case must be investigated individually, and extensive pre-operative planning is a must.


Our goal, and yours, is to have a nose which does not have an operated look, one which functions well, and one whose appearance makes you feel wonderful.


In many secondary rhinoplasty cases, cartilage grafts will be required to correct the flaws of previous attempts. To avoid complications, the cartilage grafts must come from the patient themselves. This provides the most reliable and predictable results. Sources for cartilage grafting will be explained at your consultation. In NO instance should a patient undergo the placement of any artificial, non-living material in their nose.


If you have a nose which has uncorrected problems either in appearance or breathing after a prior rhinoplasty, we will be pleased to consult with you, examine your nose, and explain what can be done to improve or correct it. Explanations of nasal physiology, airway, anatomical design, and surgical approaches for correction will all be discussed at the time of your initial consultation.


Your surgeons at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center of Utah have extensive experience and expertise in performing these procedures. Every care and attention will be taken to maintain your health and well-being while providing you the optimal result from your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery operation.



Secondary Rhinoplasty or

Nose Job Correction

*All post-operative pictures are of real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient permission.

Secondary Rhinoplasty

Before  1

Before  2

Before  3

After  1

After  2

After  3

Secondary Rhinoplasty

Before  2

before 3

Before 1

After  1

After  2

After  3

Corrective Nose Surgery

After  1

Before 1

Before 2

After  2

Before 2

Before 1

Before 3

After  1

After  2

After  3

Corrective Nose Surgery

This 26-year-old patient had two previous operations on her nose (by another surgeon), which resulted in a scooped out dorsum and turned up tip. Rib cartilage grafting was required to achieve correction.

This 37-year-old patient has over-resection of the supporting cartilage of her nose (performed by another surgeon), which resulted in a lack of definition, and a nose which collapsed on inspiration, with little intrinsic support. Cartilage grafts were required to reconstruct the internal nasal parts and achieve a pleasing and functional result.

Before 3

After  3

This 16-year-old female underwent a "quickie" rhinoplasty (by another surgeon) at age 15, which resulted in a scooped dorsum and a turned up tip. Correction of these deformities required an open rhinoplasty technique and multiple cartilage grafts.

This 40-year-old female underwent two prior nasal surgeries--by another surgeon. The second surgery resulted in a pencil-like bone graft on the dorsum, and a button of cartilage in the tip. This deformed appearance was corrected using the patient's own cartilage in reconstructing missing internal parts of her nose.

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