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Botox Treatments

About this procedure

What is Botox? Botulinum Toxin is a chemical agent produced by a bacteria (clostridia Botulinum). In nature it is considered to be a powerful poison, because of its ability to cause muscular paralysis. Once purified and quantified this agent has become useful to the medical profession to create weakness of over-active muscles. Botox has been approved by the FDA to create local weakness (partial paralysis) of the frequently over-active muscles, which cause frowning, forehead wrinkling, and crows' feet. The result is aesthetic improvement.


The Procedure: Carefully measured increments of diluted purified Botulinum toxin are injected into specific muscle bundles to improve the patient's appearance by reducing or eliminating the patient's ability to wrinkle or frown. Without the muscular activity the wrinkles tend to fade until the muscles regain their tone. This period can vary from 3-4 months.


Your surgeons at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center have extensive experience and expertise in performing Botox. Every care and attention will be taken to maintain your health and well-being while providing you the optimal result from your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery operation.For more information and to schedule a consultation, please call the Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center at (801) 268-8838.



*All post-operative pictures are of real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient permission.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Before  1

After  1

Before  2

After  2

Botox Cosmetic Procedure

After  3

Before 3

Before  4

After  4

Botulinum Toxin Before and After

Before 5

After 5

Botox Injections Procedure

*Botox is injected into overly active muscles, reducing or eliminating their ability to make wrinkles. Without muscular activity, the wrinkles tend to fade until the effects of the Botox wear off. Botox injections typically last around 3 to 4 months.



Botox Before and After

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